5 Tips for Summer Interns: How to Make the Most of Your Internship

Jun 02, 2024

This week, college students across the US will start their summer internships. At HireEdge, we know what an exciting and valuable opportunity lies ahead to get practical experience, network with professionals, and gain exposure and perspective for your future career path. Here are five tips to help you make the most of your internship experience:

1. Embrace the work.

Whatever role you’ve been invited to take on, embrace the work. Get clarity on what is expected of you. Ask how you can contribute. Participate in meetings. Seek out projects. Take initiative and be grateful for each opportunity to learn and gain experience.

2. Network and build relationships.

Your internship is an ideal opportunity to network with professionals in your field, so take full advantage! Join meetings and social events. Build relationships with your fellow interns. Be proactive and introduce yourself to colleagues from different departments. Keep track of the people you meet and send LinkedIn connection invites to colleagues and new contacts throughout the summer.

3. Keep a weekly journal.

Make a habit of writing yourself a brief note at the end of each week recapping what you worked on and who you met. Note new things you learned and any goals for the following week. The detail in these 8 or 10 weekly entries will be super helpful at the end of the summer when you are updating your resume with your internship experience.

4. Imagine yourself there.    

One of the most valuable things an internship can provide is that inside perspective on what it is really like to work at a company. Leverage this vantage point during your summer to mentally try the company and department on for size in terms of future professional fit. Think about the dimensions of this workplace and the work you are doing each day. What are the positive aspects and attributes you would want in a future employer and role? Are there any negatives or deal breaker elements that would discourage you from pursuing a similar full-time role with the company?

5. Remember, it's an interview.

The ongoing assessment and evaluation goes both ways. Just as you are thinking about whether you see your company as a future fit for you, your employer is considering whether you would be a good fit for their future needs. Keep a positive attitude, show interest and initiative, communicate well with your colleagues, get things done, and deliver on expectations to be the type of employee they will want to hire again.


HireEdge is the premier service helping college students and recent graduates launch their careers in business. Our top MBA coaches and proven process will help you plan a career launch strategy and lead an effective first full-time job or internship search. Whether you are a current college student, recent graduate, or parent, you can schedule a free, no obligation consultation to learn more about what we do here.

If you like the intern mug featured, you can find it on Etsy here.