5 Tips for Summer Interns: How to Make the Most of Your Internship Jun 02, 2024

This week, college students across the US will start their summer internships. At HireEdge, we know what an exciting and valuable opportunity lies ahead to get practical experience, network with professionals, and gain exposure and perspective for your future career path. Here are five tips to...

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How to Stand Out in Your LinkedIn "Easy Apply" Job Submissions Apr 20, 2024

When we recently posted a Marketing & Social Media internship on LinkedIn Jobs, not only did we get an outstanding response from a broad base of college applicants, but participating in the hiring process also gave us the LinkedIn Recruiter view - a fresh look at the other side of the Easy...

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Three Reasons Why Applying for Jobs Is 10x Harder Than Applying to College Jan 31, 2024


Working with so many college students and recent grads, we’re often asked if the experience of applying for jobs and internships is similar to applying to college. Both require candidates to do some self reflection, focus on targets aligned with their interests and capabilities, and...

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What You Should (and Should NOT) Expect from Your Collegeā€™s Career Services Nov 07, 2023

When you embark on your college journey, you likely have a clear goal in mind: to obtain a degree that will pave the way for a successful career after college. To help you achieve this goal, most colleges and universities offer Career Services. These services can be valuable in helping you...

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Optimize Your Resume for ATS Success Oct 17, 2023

In today's competitive job market, Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) play an important role in the hiring process. Employers use ATS to manage job postings, collect and screen resumes, and organize candidate data. These technology-driven tools help employers manage and filter through a vast pool...

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Navigating College Career Fairs: 5 Pre-event Strategies for Success Oct 08, 2023

College career fairs are underway this Fall on campuses across the country. Many schools are again hosting in-person events for students to meet prospective employers, explore different career paths and secure summer internships and full-time roles. However, success at these events requires...

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Create Your Own Career Fair with Online Company Information Sessions for College Students Sep 30, 2023

Company information sessions are a great way to learn about potential employers. In the past, these sessions were in-person, on-campus events limited to schools where companies had formal recruiting programs. But today, many companies offer online information sessions that are more accessible and...

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Why Fall is the Perfect Time to Start Looking for a Summer Internship Sep 23, 2023

As the leaves turn vibrant shades of red and gold and the air begins to carry a crisp chill, you might think that the last thing on your mind should be securing a summer internship, but now is actually a perfect time to kickstart your summer internship search. Here are five compelling...

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